
Domaine des travaux

Standardization of methods to characterize impact assessment on soil and other solid materials at agricultural land as well as contaminated areas. This includes investigations in agricultural, urban, industrial and other land use forms and can include human exposure, transfer and mobility of compounds (e. g. leaching tests) to the environment and assessment of contaminated sites. Included in the scope are standards for sampling.

Liens utiles


Normes ISO publiées *


Projets de normes ISO *

Membres participants
Membres observateurs

* ce nombre inclut les mises à jour

Comités en liaison vers le ISO/TC 190/SC 7

Les Comités ci-dessous peuvent accéder aux documents du ISO/TC 190/SC 7:

ISO/TC 190/SC 7 - Secrétariat

DIN (Allemagne)

DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V.
DIN e. V.
Am DIN-Platz
Burggrafenstraße 6
D-10787 Berlin

Tel: +49 30 2601-0
Fax: +49 30 26 01 12 31