This document specifies test methods for verifying the capabilities of tyres for motorcycles. Of the test methods presented, only some can be required depending on the type of tyre to be tested.
The tests are carried out in the laboratory under controlled conditions. This document includes a strength test for assessing the capability of the tyre structure, with respect to breaking energy. A second test, the endurance test, assesses the resistance of the tyre with respect to service at full load and moderate speed over long distances. The third test, the high-speed test, assesses the capability of the tyre as related to service at the maximum speed capability of the tyre. The centrifugal growth test assesses the maximum growth of the tyre under the influence of centrifugal forces at the maximum speed capability of the tyre.
The test methods presented in this document are not intended for gradation of tyre performance or quality levels.
This document is applicable to all motorcycle tyres.
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Текущий статус: ОпубликованоДата публикации: 2022-08Этап: Международный стандарт подлежит пересмотру [90.92]
Версия: 4
Технический комитет :ISO/TC 31/SC 10ICS :83.160.10
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ISO/DIS 10231
ISO/DIS 10231
Motorcycle tyres — Test methods for verifying tyre capabilities
Жизненный цикл
ОтозваноISO 10231:2003
ОтозваноISO 10231:2003/Amd 1:2015
ОпубликованоISO 10231:2022
Стандарт, который пересматривается каждые 5 лет
Этап: 90.92 (Будет пересмотрено)-
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Стадия, связанная с рассмотрением проекта международного стандарта
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В стадии разработкиISO/DIS 10231