Committee Draft
ISO/CD 23802.2
Gas cylinders — Seamless tubes, composite tubes and large tubes permanently mounted in a frame — Periodic inspection and testing
Reference number
ISO/CD 23802.2
Edition 1
Committee Draft
ISO/CD 23802.2
A draft is being reviewed by the committee.


This document provides requirements to and recommendations for the periodic inspection and testing of permanently mounted tubes of: 

• Composite with seamless metallic liners,

• Composite with non-loadsharing liners,

• Seamless steel.

and large tubes of:

·   Composite with seamless metallic liners,

• Composite with non-loadsharing liners,

 including frames and associated equipment.


NOTE 1:  This scope includes battery vehicles and multi-element gas containers as defined in ISO 10286 using tubes and large tubes that are permanently mounted.

General information

  •  : Under development
    : CD approved for registration as DIS [30.99]
  •  : 1
  • ISO/TC 58/SC 4
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