Final Draft
International Standard
ISO/FDIS 19828
Welding for aerospace applications — Visual inspection of welds
Reference number
ISO/FDIS 19828
Edition 2
Final Draft International Standard
ISO/FDIS 19828
This draft is in the approval phase.
Will replace ISO 19828:2017


ISO 19828:2017 specifies the requirements for visual inspection of welds in metallic materials and requirements for qualification and certification of personnel for visual weld inspection.

ISO 19828:2017 is also applicable to the visual inspection of the joint prior to or between welding sequences, and of brazed joints. In this case, the contents of theoretical and practical training will need to be adapted accordingly.

General information

  •  : Under development
    : Final text received or FDIS registered for formal approval [50.00]
  •  : 2
  • ISO/TC 44/SC 14
  • RSS updates

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